Salesforce Commerce Cloud Accelerator

Features by Solution

  Basic Plus Enhanced
Header Yes Yes Yes
Footer Yes Yes Yes
Locator Link Yes Yes Yes
Email Sign-up Yes Yes Yes
Content Slots Yes Yes Yes
SFRA Design (Site) Yes
Best Practice Design (Site) Yes Yes
Sticky Header Yes Yes
Your Color Theme Yes Yes Yes
MegaMenu Yes Yes
Homepage Page Designer Yes
Native Lazy Loading of Images Yes Yes
Persistent Cart Yes Yes Yes
Recommendations Yes Yes Yes
Bonus Products Yes Yes Yes
Product Options Yes Yes Yes
Coupons Yes Yes Yes
Minicart Yes Yes Yes
Login Yes Yes Yes
Profiles Yes Yes Yes
Password Recovery Yes Yes Yes
Order History Yes Yes Yes
Social Login Yes Yes Yes
Addresses Yes Yes Yes
Stored Payment Yes Yes Yes
Product Detail
Standard Products Yes Yes Yes
Variant Products Yes Yes Yes
Product Sets Yes Yes Yes
Bonus Products Yes Yes Yes
Product Bundles Yes Yes Yes
Alternate Thumbnails Yes Yes
Product Zoom Yes Yes
Customer Service
About Us Yes Yes Yes
Contact Us Yes Yes Yes
Security Policy Yes Yes Yes
Privacy Policy Yes Yes Yes
Customer Help Yes Yes Yes
Store Locator Yes Yes Yes
Guest / Registered Checkout Yes Yes Yes
Discount Handling Yes Yes Yes
Cart Page Yes Yes Yes
Order Confirmation Yes Yes Yes
Shipping / Billing Yes Yes Yes
Confirmation Emails Yes Yes Yes
Native Tax Calculation Yes Yes Yes
Google Address Autocomplete Yes Yes Yes
Google reCaptcha Yes Yes Yes
Search and Listing Pages
Search Results Yes Yes Yes
Search As You Type Yes Yes Yes
Sorting Yes Yes Yes
Refinements Yes Yes Yes
No Results Yes Yes Yes
Search Suggestions Yes Yes Yes
Search Synonyms / Hypernyms Yes Yes Yes
Product Tiles Yes Yes Yes
Additional Features
Dynamic Image Server Yes Yes
Google Feed Yes Yes
Taxation Integration Yes
Fraud Integration Yes
Payment Integration Yes Yes
Product Feeds (SFCC) Yes Yes
Order Export (SFCC) Yes Yes
Pricebook Import (SFCC) Yes Yes
Catalog Import (SFCC) Yes Yes
Tag Management Yes
Analytics Yes
OpenSearch Yes Yes
Sitemaps Yes

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