Design First Accelerators - Take off with Design Jumpstart Packages.

Design From Vision to Reality - Rapid Prototype.

See your project come to life in under two weeks with Melon. We offer up to 20 page prototypes to enable rapid feedback of potential users and collaboration of the development team. Starting at $7,500

In the hustle of starting an eCommerce project, it’s natural to jump right into code instead of going through the design process: Time and Money are limited, and we understand you want to get your product built so you can start selling. It can be a natural inclination to assume there will be time to revisit design after you get something out the door.

But this can be a dangerous road and just unnecessary. Assuming you’ll come back to something as crucial as user experience design can lead to significant (and expensive) mistakes that will be even more difficult to correct once your site is out in the world. Melon Product designers provide insights, expertise, and perspective that impact all parts of the product, and that can have significant benefits. Working with design prior to development will allow you to save money and time, truly know your users, achieve product-market fit, and have a visually amazing product along the way.

You’ll Save Money And Time

It may sound counterintuitive since you may initially pay more money for a designer and a developer. But in the long run, you will end up saving big dollars by not having to go back and recreate everything you built. It’s important to think of design as an investment rather than a cost. And like all good investments, design will pay huge dividends as you grow your product.

  • Better understand the unmet needs of the people you’re creating for (customers, clients, students, users, etc...).

  • Reduce the risk associated with launching new ideas, products, and services.

  • Generate solutions that are revolutionary, not just incremental.

  • Learn and iterate faster.

When built with users in mind, they’ll find it easier to understand how your product solves their problem, making sales processes frictionless. Adding new features or fields within your product will also be easier when you design first, because we will have already considered how your product will grow and evolve over time, instead of just “spot” (reactive) designing.

Like all good investments, design will pay huge dividends as you grow your product.

Truly Know Your Users

Melon UX Designers know how users work, how they think, and what they expect out of a user experience. Their job is to empathize with the user and put themselves in their shoes in order to fully understand their pains. They gauge what users want, how they complete tasks, and what their ideal product is. Melon’s Product Designers learn fast and have many years experience that enables them to bring insights, collaboration and momentum to projects like no other partner. 

Own The Space in Your Market

Melon Product designers are up-to-date with user trends. They know what the design threshold is and what consumers of all types expect in a user experience. You may think you know what’s out there and who your competitors are, but it is a product designer’s job to know the entire design and product landscape.

Not only do they look at products within your industry and what competitors are doing, but product designers know about products in different industries that may have similar workflows. They know what trends and interactions to pull from these industries in order to help map that mental model of what the user is trying to achieve.

Your Product Will Look Amazing

Developers are concerned with building the product and making it work, not making it look pretty. Designers take into account all the visually pleasing details that charm your users, and know how to make best use of your brand. This goes beyond just colors and logos, and includes in-app messaging that fits with your product messaging and positioning.

While it is important to have a valuable and usable site, we know brand recognition is always important. Consistency in how a site looks and works is table stakes to compete at all, but easier said than done. People have high expectations for sites these days, and any inconsistencies throughout your site will confuse users, and they don’t need to waste time trying to make sense of it. Designers work to achieve consistency throughout.

Developers will build what you tell them to build, because code is their expertise. Product teams and product designers push back against clients, rearrange backlogs, and make sure what you are building will actually resonate with users.

Developers protect your time and resources, and designers protect the experience. Both are integral parts of creating your site, and should both be prioritized early. We are firm believers in having designers and developers work very collaboratively because every site or product needs both to work together. If you design for your users upfront, you will be set up for success down the road.

Melon UX designers take the time to understand users, the design landscape, and your brand and business. They design for user experience and will help you make key decisions to influence current and future business growth. By working with product designers before developers, you can be sure that you’re making the best use of time and money, you’re serving your users, you fit in your market, and you have an intuitive and beautiful digital product.


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